memorial day

memorial day
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Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day is a federal holiday in the United States for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces.

There are some great major motion films that depict the personal sacrafices throughout the many wars and conflicts.Films, such “Saving Private Ryan”, “Band of Brothers”, “1917”, “Hacksaw Ridge” and many more others have been viewed by millions, and are often promoted, purchased and viewed again during month of May.

These blockbuster war dramas are easily found online or on discs but I like to share a Trilogy of Bagpiper Related war documentaries that appear to be no longer available for new sales.

The National WW1 Museum and Memorial

I recently had the pleasure to visiting Kansas City, MO and going to the National WW1 Museum and Memorial. This is a fantastic museum which I discovered several exhibitions to the different Highland regiments and the Military Kilts.\

I have several posters from the “Great War” which highlights the Canadian 173rd Battalion, Canadian 73rd Battalion, 91st Highlanders and other Kilted Soldiers.

A great video of a tour of the National WW1 Museum and Memorial was recently posted to Youtube, I highly recommend watching this video for an excellent, recent (June 20222) overview of the museum.

Excellent Review and Video of the WW1 Museum - June 2022

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